Certified Sports Medicine Acupuncture Specialist
Hello, I’m Donica Schmidt, Certified Sports Medicine Acupuncture Specialist at Back in Motion. BIM’s team of chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage are the best in chronic or acute pain, sports rehab and auto injury rehab.
I use an eastern medicine approach with acupuncture and a western mind understanding of sports medicine. The combination can help the body to faster recovery. Treatment may consist of acupuncture, fire cupping, tuina massage, guasha scrapping, moxa herb, herbal formulations, or mobility exercises.
Back in Motion | 11385 SW Scholls Ferry Road - Beaverton, OR 97008
Health Concerns
Unsure of Chinese Medicine? Acupuncture is used to treat all of the following:
Pain from accident or injury
Chronic back pain
Rehabilitation / surgical recovery
Anxiety / emotional imbalance
Common cold
Allergies / asthma
Hot flashes / fertility
Menstrual irregularity
Autoimmune conditions
Digestive disorders
High blood pressure
Low energy
And more…
Let’s start a conversation! I look forward to talking with you.
Acupuncture is a modality of practice under Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM assist the body in using its own abilities to work more efficiently. Acupuncture needles act as little conductors, directing and moving the bodies energy within the nervous and circulatory system to create balance and healing factors. Acupuncture is also used as preventative medicine to support healthy functioning bodies.
Acupuncture point Ling Gu used for headaches, low back pain, and common cold